EP Archives is an open access archive that allows researchers of all scientific fields to disseminate their working papers, preprints, post prints, or ahead-of-prints to large audiences.
When making use of the content available on EP Archives, readers should note that submissions are not peer-reviewed by us and are published online after a brief moderation.
Share your research in three easy steps:
Submission: EditorialPark System will guide you through the submission of your paper.
Moderation and classification: Our editors will briefly check and classify the content.
Sharing: Submissions are assigned a DOI number and posted online.
EP Archives Benefits:
- Rapid dissemination of research outputs
- Free open access
- Open to research from all academic fields
- Unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number
- Wide distribution and visibility
- Increased impact
- Easily citable
- Article level metrics
- Post early and timestamp your research
- Simple submission to participating journals
- Permanent link to peer-reviewed version